Friday, October 1, 2010

quality control

Asher is in charge of QC around here.

PopPop put together this wagon for Grammy's deck and Asher had to check it's stability.

Mind you - it's a decorative wagon.  Not a baby toting wagon.

But, Mr. A gave it a spin regardless.

What do you say Asher, does it pass?

Since you didn't end up on the floor surrounded by pieces of wagon I guess that's a success!

If it's safe for this little pumpkin, then it's safe for your real pumpkins, Grammy.

We have a very busy, very exciting weekend coming up - can't wait to tell you all about it on Monday! 

Happy October!


  1. How cute! I love that Wagon! Reminds me of one my mom has...and she puts her pumpkins in it too! lol. Great job at the QC Asher!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Happy October!

  2. Happy October !!! We are getting Presley a wagon for Halloween, so could you send Asher to check it out for her?

  3. Super cute! I'm taking A to a pumpkin patch next Friday and am hoping to get some good wagon shots!


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