Friday, October 15, 2010

advice on stepping out

So, I need some advice.  What else is new, right?

Asher needs his first pair of shoes!  At the speed with which he is learning new ways to move {sitting up solo and standing in one afternoon - whoa there, son!} I can only assume his first steps will be tomorrow.

Well, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.  Even if he doesn't walk by next week it's starting to get cool here and this boy needs some protection on his tootsies from the elements.

Does anyone have a type of shoe to recommend for pre-walkers / early walkers?  I've heard that Robeez are great for little feet, but they are pretty expensive.  I can easily see us needing 2 different sizes over the next 4-6 months and really want to avoid paying too much, if possible.

Any ideas would be great!

But in the meantime - Asher would like to brag a little.

I caught the little bugger standing in his crib again {I can see this being his new favorite thing to do} and managed to get some photos.  He was so, so proud of himself!

See my ghetto crib rail protection system?  Yeah, that's a couple receiving blankets clothes-pinned to the crib.  HA!  It will only take him a nanosecond to destroy the rail, so I couldn't wait for something nicer to come in.  Once I get it you'll be the first to know!


  1. Way to go with all the standing!! It's amazing how quickly they start doing things and then you forget what it was like before they were doing it.

    As for shoes, I've read that it's better to let babies be barefoot as often as possible. Socks and shoes can hinder learning to walk. While this is fine for indoors, it obviously won't work outside in the cold. Target sells a knock off of Robeez called Mini Star. That's what Jack wore last winter to keep warm and they were great! Unfortunately, his feet are so fat that he needs special shoes now so we'll be going to Stride Rite to get him a pair once he starts walking. I'm not looking forward to spending the money, but he's gonna need shoes!

    Have a great weekend and thanks for letting us know about baby half off. I'll be checking it out! :)

  2. I bought P some pedi-peds, which aren't too cheap, and I'm not a fan. She is taking about 3 steps in a row when she is barefoot, but just slips when she has her shoes on. I noticed she grips the carpet with her toes. I need to find something because it's going to be cold soon and she is almost walking. Let me know what you decide on.


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