Thursday, October 21, 2010

the baby zone

This area has been zoned for babies.

All others may apply at the Main Office.

Any complaints can be logged with Management.


  1. Haha! Poor Asher is locked in baby jail!

  2. As much of a pain as baby jail was to assemble, man does it make mama's life easier!

  3. I really need to invest in a baby gate!! It would make my life a whole lot easier. Do you like the one you have?

  4. Haha cute! I have a feeling one of these will be installed in our house as soon as little one starts movin'!

  5. It looks like he's quite comfortable in his zone! I really wish we had enough space in our house to do something like this, but there just isn't the room.

  6. It looks like he's quite comfortable in his zone! I really wish we had enough space in our house to do something like this, but there just isn't the room.

  7. Oooh! Is that one of the ones that can be made into an octagon shaped pen type thing? I need a long gate to block off my dining rom and kitchen area from the living room...but it's a good 12 foot space! Ahhh. Looks like he doesnt mind his space though :)


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