Monday, October 11, 2010

so big on 10.10.10

Asher has started doing some really cute things recently.

He now gives 'high fives', kisses, and will show you just how big he is.

The thing is, when you ask him, "How big is Asher?" he responds quickly.  He just throws his arms up and down so quick you miss it if you aren't watching closely!  See for yourself...

Drew took some video of Asher and I trying to get him to do it again.  He's a little distracted, but you do get a high five on the sly.

We're still working on it.  :o)


  1. How Cute! Ive been working on so big but nothing yet! He loves giving 5's though! Its so awesome watching them start all these new things and watching how quick they pick it up!

  2. Drew's commentary always makes me laugh!

  3. I love it! There's nothing cuter than babies doing these "grown-up" things like hi-five's and clapping!

  4. So cute! May favorite, though, is that head first crawl!!!

  5. Awesome tricks... very impressive!


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