Monday, October 25, 2010




It's an adorable baby!

Asher's Grandma and Grandpa were visiting this weekend and brought him this super cute Halloween shirt and hat.  A doesn't love hats, so keeping it on him was a bit of a struggle.

Teddy gladly took over that responsibility.

We had a really fun {but busy!} weekend with Drew's parents.  There was a birthday party, shopping, lots of eating, a trip to the park, house hunting, a visit to the Pediatrician, and a major Yankees disappointment. 

There were stories

and some down time.

More on all of this fun throughout the week!

Hope you all had fun weekends too!


  1. Oh wow! Can't wait to hear about everything!

  2. I LOVE the hat! Asher makes it even cuter!

  3. Where, oh where, is that adoraboo hat from??? I love it, and Asher looks...well, adoraboo in it:)

  4. that HAT!! Hahaha Adoraboo is right!!!! Time with G&Gpa is always great. :)

  5. That hat is super cute - on both Asher and Teddy!

  6. I agree- love the hat on both the baby and the bear! He is super cute. I'm glad you enjoyed a fun, family weekend.


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