Saturday, October 30, 2010

baby friends - Halloween edition

Asher and I have been going to a Moms/Babies bible study this fall and last week we had our Fall Celebration so all of the babies {and some mommies!} could dress up in costumes.

Ash was having a bad day {exacerbated by a nasty cold} so we skipped the lobster and stuck with his Adora-boo shirt instead.  He was still super cute!

I love that Asher is big enough to have little friends - and sit up by himself on the couch without falling off - way to go A!

Look at sweet little Lucy sleeping in the corner.  I was really proud of Kate for resting her there - so brave, mama!  But, in all fairness, Madison {Nemo} was on watch and taking her job pretty seriously.  :o)


  1. in the last photo, it looks like asher is trying to run away!

  2. Aww - aren't baby friends (and mommy friends!) wonderful?!

  3. Yay for baby friends and costumes! I'm surprised you were able to get such good pictures of all the babies. At the party I went to today, the babies were not cooperating at all! We still had fun though and glad you did too! We need to get the boys together again soon before they get too much bigger.

  4. Baby friends (and their mama friends) are the best!!

  5. adorable ,. i jus love kids .. uuuummah to all f u babies


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