Monday, October 12, 2009

crying in my cole slaw

At 30 weeks, the bean is roughly the size of a cabbage!

Just a regular one, not the Chinese variety this time.

He weighs about 3 pounds and is 15.5 inches long.

I'm assuming that the length growth slows down sooner than the weight gain does since most newborns are only 19-22 inches long. At this rate he'll be bigger than a breadbox in no time!

Baby Center says that I should be getting clumsier than normal soon since my equilibrium will be thrown off by my burgeoning middle.

Clumsier than normal, what??

Does anyone else remember this? If I get any clumsier I'll have to spend the remainder of this pregnancy in a padded room.

It also says that I'll probably be having more mood swings. This one I've definitely noticed (sorry, Drew).

For example, yesterday I spent a good part of the afternoon/evening volunteering with some other girls from my bible study at a shelter for battered women here in Cleveland.

It was both uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. The women and children who live there have such good attitudes. They were so grateful for the meal and kid activities that we provided.

This one little boy was especially adorable. I was sitting on a bench helping the kids frost cookies and he siddled up to me. He didn't say anything, just kept pressing himself against my side. I put my arm around him and talked a little. He didn't want anything, just a little love and attention.

When I got home I just cried. Drew probably thought I was losing my mind. All weekend I've been working on organizing the nursery (it's looked like a bomb went off in there since our baby showers) and when I walked into the room and saw the piles of clothes, toys, diapers, and other random baby things I felt so sad for the women and children living in that shelter who don't have a lot of the basics (like a home of their own).

They're there because someone hurt them to the point that they had to escape. And here I am stressing over where to put that 2nd crib mattress pad.

Today I'm grateful that I have people in my life who love me and my bean. I'm grateful that Drew doesn't hit me -- in fact, sometimes he spoils me to the point of absurdity. I'm grateful that I was able to go to the shelter and find some perspective.

But with the morning came more perspective. I've stopped crying (for now) and feeling guilty over being in a harmonious relationship. As much as my heart breaks for the women and children I met yesterday, I've also realized that it's ok for me to have clothes and toys for the bean. Along with that, however, I also decided that my stress level will go way down. I get too worked up over the small things and that needs to stop. Things will get done when they get done. The nursery will come together and if it doesn't, the bean won't care.

There are worse things than having a pile in the laundry room and dust on the coffee table.

Right now, my biggest hope is that Drew and I will be able to raise our son to be a loving husband and father someday. And until he's at that stage, that we'll be able to simply love him abundently.

In the meantime, I'm going to hug all the kids I can.

Because even if they're doing ok, I could probably use one.


  1. Thanks, this is just the kind of post I needed today. I have been so uptight and stressed lately and all over NOTHING. This was good to read. Glad you had this opportunity and you are okay with the things you have as well. :)

  2. I think its great that you realize how blessed your life is and that you're wise enough to acknowledge those blessings speaks volumes toward your character. Its okay to cry when your heart is filled with empathy. You're a believer and we're called to have compassion in our hearts for the least of our brethren.

    Taking our blessings for granted is when we should feel guilty...


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