Tuesday, October 20, 2009

31 weeks

As of today the bean and I only have 60 days left!

Wow. In some ways that still sounds like a long time, but in a lot of other ways it doesn't seem like NEARLY enough time to finish everything that's on my to-do list.

Drew and I are trying to enjoy some quiet time together (while we still have some quiet around here), but it's been hard to carve out. I feel like there are so many little (and big) things that need to be done before the bean arrives. I'm at the point now where, after working all day, when I get home the energy just isn't there to tackle a bunch of errands or projects around the house.

That leaves me the weekends.

Of which there are 8 before little bean joins us!

Part of my big speech from last week was about calming down and going with the flow. I'm still working on that. We'll get there. :o)

Remember when I mentioned yesterday that 16 weeks ago (at 15 weeks pregnant) the bean was the size of 1 orange and now he's the size of 4?

Well...what do you think? Am I 3x bigger than I was then?

I think so. Or at least, I feel so.

People have (still) been telling me frequently that I seem really small for how far along the pregnancy is, so Drew and I decided to do a little experiment while taking my photo last night.

Am I pregnant?


Oh, yeah!

I'm not complaining -- hopefully that will make getting back into my pre-pregnancy clothes a little easier after the baby is born!

How far along: 31 weeks
Net weight gain: 16 lbs.
Maternity clothes: yes and I'm still really loving the elastic waist everything. What? Doesn't everyone pull their jeans up without using zippers or buttons?
Stretch marks: not yet
Belly button: outie for sure
Sleep: good for the first few hours, then my left hip gives up
Baby movement: more forceful -- I think he's looking for the exit
Food cravings: chicken wings -- they give the bean hiccups, which is way too cute.
Food aversions: nothing. I love food.
What I miss: being able to button my wool coat
Looking forward to: making a big batch of veggie soup this weekend!
Best moment this week: feeling baby hiccups for the 1st time
Milestones: baby boy's brain is developing so he can regulate his own temperature


  1. I can't believe that you are just starting to feel hiccups! My LO has hiccups all the time...and, they sound really funny on the NST machine :)

    You look great in all of your picturs but you don't look pregnant from behind at all! I'm assuming that none of us do though :)

  2. I laughed reading the thing you miss — I tried to zip up a little jacket a few weeks ago, and it looked like I was trying to smuggle a basketball (like some kind of shoplifter). It makes me glad to live in South Texas! :-)


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