Tuesday, October 13, 2009

30 weeks

Our 30th week together is going really well so far. Only 10 weeks to go!

The bean, his daddy, and I had another baby shower on Saturday. Some of our wonderful Cleveland friends threw a party for us! I have lots of fun photos and stories from that afternoon to come soon.

Yesterday I had my first "every 2 weeks" doctor appointment. I didn't have any complaints and the doctor didn't have any concerns, so we breezed through there in 15 minutes! I did specifically ask about bean's size, since so many people (in lots of different circumstances) have commented on how small I look. My OB said that my weight gain is right on track and my belly is measuring perfectly (30cm yesterday), so there's no need to worry.

Baby bean is on track to be born at about 7 pounds! That sounds good to me. Except that we'll have to change his clothes 5 times a day to get use out of all the newborn outfits people have given us! I think they only fit babies up to 8 or 9 pounds, so we won't have long to squeeze them all in.

Overall things are going really well. I've had a lot more energy these past few days -- nesting? Whatever the reason, I'll take it!

How far along: 30 weeks
Net weight gain: up 15 lbs. (I know this gain is for a good cause, but it's bothering me a little. I've never seen these numbers on the scale before! It's like Biggest Loser in reverse)
Maternity clothes: I need more warm weather stuff. It's getting cold here.
Stretch marks: not yet
Belly button: mostly an outie at this point (you can kind of see it in the photo above)
Sleep: not too bad. Now that it's cooler my body pillow doesn't make me roast!
Baby movement: movin' and shakin'
Food cravings: pumpkin anything
Food aversions: nothing. I love food. As witnessed 7 items up.
What I miss: being able to see my toes
Looking forward to: getting the nursery organized
Best moment this week: baby shower!
Milestones: the bean has a 95% chance of survival if he was born now

1 comment:

  1. Haha... 15 lbs. is not bad at all! You should be proud and bragging about such a low number!


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