Monday, October 5, 2009

squashed in there

The bean is 29 weeks!

He is now about 2.5 pounds and 15 inches long. I know we still have quite a ways to go, but it's already starting to feel tight in there to me.

In fact, the bean is definitely a butternut squash...perfect for fall!

This week the bean's muscles and bones are getting stronger. His kicks are so strong now -- I'm a little nervous about how it will be when he's bigger!

His head is also getting larger to make room for a growing brain. I have such a smart little squash in there.

We had a fabulous time at our baby shower this weekend! I have lots of pictures, but need to get them all loaded first, so there will be more on that soon. Stay tuned!


  1. hahahahaha..."squashed in there"...hahaha!!! He won't be squashed for long!!!

  2. That was Erin by the way -- not Ryan :0)


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