Tuesday, November 24, 2009

36 weeks

So much to tell this week!

The bean and I are in our 36th week together. That means we have fewer than 4 weeks left before he joins Drew and I at home! Yay!

Yesterday I went to see my OB and got an appointment with all the bells and whistles. She did the Group B Strep test, an internal exam, checked the heartbeat, measured my fundal height (belly size), and determined the baby's orientation in there.

So, how did we do...
  • Group B Strep results will be in next week -- update then
  • strong heartbeat = healthy baby!
  • fundal height is 35.5 cm (it often slows towards the end, so this is fine)
  • baby is head down!
  • cervix is 70% effaced and 1cm dialated

All of this is great news and means we're moving in a positive direction towards having a baby in the next few weeks. Since there was so much going on during this appointment Drew came along too. We asked the doctor what our chances of having the bean at home before Christmas were and she surprised us by saying that if we want to induce at 39 weeks that's an option!

Once I get checked at my 39 week appointment we'll see if there has been any additional progress and make a decision then. From what I understand the bean will just be putting on weight during these last few weeks and shouldn't have any problems coming out a week early.

Anyone out there have an induction and feel one way or the other about it?

Hopefully baby boy will decide to join us for Christmas all on his own!

How far along: 36 weeks
Net weight gain: 22 lbs.
Maternity clothes: getting a little boring
Stretch marks: not yet
Belly button: popped like a turkey timer
Sleep: good for the most part
Baby movement: surprisingly strong at this point
Food cravings: pumpkin pie!!
Food aversions: nothing, very hungry again
What I miss: getting out of bed or off the couch without rolling off
Looking forward to: seeing Drew's parents this weekend
Best moment this week: learning that the bean is in a great position for delivery!
Milestones: the bean is plumping up for life outside the womb


  1. Love the new look! You're SO creative!

  2. I was induced with both of my pregnancies. Ainsley came at 42 wks and 9lbs 3oz. With Gavin, I was induced at 39 weeks. Both inductions were great, and I am glad that we induced earlier with Gavin. He ended up being a slightly more manageable 8.5lbs. Both times I had progressed to and was nearly effected and 4 cm dilated. And unlike some people, I had Ainsley within 8 hours and Gavin in 4 hours even though I was induced.

    Good luck with your decisions!!!! Almost baby time


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