Monday, September 20, 2010

tall in the saddle

A few weeks ago we graduated Asher to his convertible 'big boy' car seat.  He wasn't officially too small for the infant seat {according to the manufacturer}, but I thought he looked really cramped and might enjoy more space to spread out.

Turns out, he does!

Another big fear of mine was that car rides would become a battle because he wouldn't have his trusty {and much loved} turtle toy to keep him occupied.

I shouldn't have worried.  I link-a-doo'd some toys to the headrest and he's perfectly happy with those.  In fact, I think now that he is sitting up higher he can see out the window because more times than not he abandons the toys just to gaze out at the world flying gently cruising by.

One more 'baby' thing we're leaving behind!  Sad, but proud, once again.  :o)


  1. Yay for big boy seats! Jack also loves to look out the window and keeps himself pretty occupied. I love it!

    I'm also happy for you that you are able to start eating dairy again. Woohoo!! I hope it goes well for both you and Asher. :)

  2. Looking so big in his big boy car seat! He's so cute I can hardly stand it!

  3. Presley is tiny for her age, but I've still been looking into getting her a new car seat. Which one did you decide on?

  4. Big Boy Asher!!!! That's a great idea to use some links to attach a toy!!!! I always worry that B gets bored in the back but that is a genius idea!!! I need to find a big boy carseat for B....


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