Wednesday, September 15, 2010

mark of determination

When we were at the beach a few weeks back I brought along Asher's pack 'n play for a crib substitute.  He has slept in this bed a few times in the past and never really has any issues with it.  This trip was no exception.

Except one day at nap time.

Mr. A decided that playing with his cousins would be a lot more fun than taking a nap, so after I laid him down he started crying and complaining.  I left him alone, but watched over the monitor to make sure he fell asleep before too long.

Well, I guess he was trying to follow me out of the room because here's how he fell asleep:

Poor guy!  His nap wasn't very long so I didn't get too worried about his neck. {Although that was my first thought}  Our pediatrician told us that babies can sleep in really weird, uncomfortable looking positions and be perfectly fine.

After he woke up I sat him in the Bumbo for a snack and told Drew to snap some shots of his battle scars.

Think he was leaning against the mesh side of the playpen?  Just maybe!

I probably shouldn't laugh at him, but this was just too funny!  Little guy has super impressionable skin! 

{Just like me, I might add}


  1. Ha! That's super cute! Ava falls asleep in some terrible positions also, but so far she hasn't shown any signs of lasting discomfort after!

  2. Haha! What a position! Presley's face marks up really easy too. I thought of Mr. Asher today. P and I met Brandon for lunch and she kept eyeing his pickle so I gave her a taste. Ar first, she looked disgusted but then kept coming back for more. I finally had to take it away from her, so we could leave and she had a complete melt down!! Pickles, who knew??

  3. can you imagine falling asleep in this position?? I know I wouldn't be able to do anything for like a week. LOL Babies are sooooo flexible!!! B tends to fall asleep as if he were sitting up and just fell he's basically folded over forward with his legs all up underneath him. I try to pull his legs out if he's sleeping soundly enough, but it's so funny how they sleep sometimes!!!


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