Monday, September 13, 2010

nine months old

Asher, you are 9 months old!

Normally I take the monthly photo with your stuffed elephant, but over the weekend Daddy and I took you to the National Zoo in DC, so we got some photos with the real thing!

They throw our scale off a little.

You had a lot of fun at the zoo! 

I think it was our first major trip out somewhere like that.  You loved watching all of the other people watch the animals.  Did you actually notice any animals?  Well, not that we could see.

Haha, oh well! 

I say this every month, but I'll say it again.  If possible, the time is passing more quickly each month.  It literally feels like days ago that I was writing your eight month post and here we are at nine months already.  Slow down, little mister!

These days you change and learn new things so quickly I almost can't keep up.  Just yesterday I was working in the kitchen and Daddy yelled at me, "Mommy, come quick, he's crawling!"

And you were.

You have this adorable little half scoot / half crawl thing that you do to get around.  You still barrel roll to get from here to there, but you are starting to abandon that for a more direct route.  I'll try to get it on video before you move on to the next stage!

At nine months, Asher:
  • weighs around 20 pounds
  • wears size 9-12 month PJs and onesies
  • wears size 6-9 month pants {except for 2 pairs of 3-6 month pants that still fit!}
  • wears size 3 diapers
  • has 2 teeth, with 2 more coming in
  • drink 4, 8oz bottles a day
  • eats 3 cubes of food for breakfast and dinner
  • eats 1 cube of food for lunch
  • eats sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, applesauce, bananas, blueberries, peaches, pears
  • has tried, but hates chicken
  • loves dill pickles!
  • won't eat finger foods of any kind
  • drinks water from a straw sippy cup
  • plays with lots of toys!
  • loves his music table, plastic keys, stacking rings best
  • 'talks' all the time, saying mmmm, blah blah, and dadada
  • splashes like crazy in the bathtub
  • has moved into his 'big boy' car seat and loves the extra space!
Asher, you are so loved.  You keep us laughing and guessing all the time.  Every day we look forward to seeing what you'll do next!


  1. He is so precious! I have a 6 month old and it's crazy how fast he's growing! I can't wait until it cools down so we can go to the zoo :)

  2. Happy 9 months, sweet Asher!!!!I want to take P to the zoo so bad, but it's just too hot!

  3. I'm so jealous of your zoo! Our local one is a rescue zoo, which is great, except the animals are a little lacking. Can you believe we don't have a giraffe or elephant or zebras to rescue? Haha.

    I can't believe our babies are approaching the 3/4 way to 1 year old! 9 months just sounds SO big!

    He looks handsome as always! Happy 9 months, Mr. A!

  4. That's my twin sister above! (The Branches)

    Maybe I should try the straw sippy cup b/c Jarrett will NOT drink out of a regular one!

    He still has no teeth in yet. I had a dream last night that I woke up & he had 2 teeth. It would be so fun if we lived close to each other b/c our boys are so close in age!

  5. Oh are just adorable! Happy 9 Months little man!

  6. Happy 9 months Asher! Love the pictures with the "real" elephant! How fun! Woohoo on the crawling!So awesome to watch it xchange as the days go by!

    p.s. we went to the zoo this weekend too...and watched one of the elephants paint a picture! It was cool to watch! they let him suck the pain into his trunk and they taought him to blow it out onto the matte...and then they would give him a paintbrush...It was awesome to see the interaction with the keeper...then they would have him suck up water out of the bucket and blow it out at the window to clean out his trunk...but he blew it at the kids fun. You could see how much he enjoyed his trainer. Awesome to see.


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