Thursday, September 16, 2010

old mc-asher had a farm

Asher has a magnetized farm toy that he loves to play with when I'm working in the kitchen.

If you haven't seen one of these before, let me explain - all of these animal 'halves' are magnetized and snap in and out of the holder.  When you match them up correctly it plays a little song and when you match them up incorrectly it...plays a little song!  Surprise!

A doesn't press them hard enough to get the song playing {so I help him with that part} but he loves pulling the magnets off the fridge and sticking them back on! 

And, of course, eating the animal pieces.

Hey, it's the little things that make life great.  :o)


  1. So cute!

    Hey, you're up to 51 followers! ;) It's an odd number but you're over 50 now!

  2. OMG - we need that toy immediately! A likes to play at the sliding door, but the other day she hit the side of her face on the slider part, and she still has a mark. Needless to say, I need another way to entertain her while I'm endlessly washing my pump! :)

  3. Where did you get this amazing idea of a toy! B loves to hang out in the kitchen too. :)

  4. Ditto! Where is that toy from? P would love it!


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