Saturday, September 18, 2010

crawling and cuteness

Drew and I realized the other day that we haven't been taking nearly enough videos of Asher.

Thus, all the film that I'm inflicting on you all.  Sorry.  Well, I'm sure the grandparents and aunts/uncles appreciate it!

Asher is doing so much these days we have to capture it all!!

He is currently doing this adorable crawl / scoot / army crawl move to get around.  It's so deliberate - I love watching him see something, decide that he wants it, and do what is necessary to get over there.  He just started moving like this a few days ago.

I know it won't be long before he gets his belly off the ground and is moving even faster.

Oh my.

Then I was recording him playing with his truck and he morphed into this little cutey telling me stories and playing games.  Love him!

Oh, and for everyone who asked about the farm toy - it came to Asher from my parents.  I believe they found it in the Kohl's toy section. {Correct me if I'm wrong here, Mom}  It really is such a fun toy - I hope you all can find one too!!


  1. Haha, Eli also loves the army crawl. But lately, if he's on carpet, he does a traditional crawl very well. I think he just prefers the "smoothness" of dragging his body across our hardwood floors! :-)

  2. Way to go Asher! That second video is too cute!

    Looks like a trip to Kohl's is in my future - any excuse, right?

  3. Go, Asher, go! It's hard to believe our babies are on the move!

  4. So I can't get the volume to work on my computer, boo! However, I have been watching them in silence...which makes me want to watch them even more with volume. Seriously, Asher is on the move!!! And incredibly cute, I might add.


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