Monday, September 27, 2010

puff eating: a lesson in technique

Asher is now an expert Puff eater.

At first there were a few things that tripped him up. 

1) wet baby hands = sticky Puffs
2) holding the Puff too far back in your hand = it can't get in the mouth
3) being greedy {a Puff in the hand is worth 2 in the mouth}

Don't let this happen to you!

Instead, follow Asher's tips for successful Puffs eating:

First, select your target.

Next, pick up carefully, making sure your hands are dry {see Trip Ups #1}

Make sure it's all the way in there.

Chew carefully.

Or, if you don't chew, gag a little when the whole Puff hits the back of your throat.

If this happens, just cover your mouth until you recover.  Then enjoy the delicious goodness.

Repeat until your tray is empty.

Then check your lap for any that may have gone missing in action.

Patiently wait for the next course.

That's it!  Asher's 9 step plan for successful Puff eating. 

Bon appetit. 


  1. Asher looks like he's loving the puffs! Parker can eat his weight in puffs, we go through them and yogurt melts like crazy!

  2. How Cute! Ethan doesn't care for the puffs so much, he loves cherrios though!

  3. Hehe - too cute! A also prefers cheerios, but loves the Puffs, too!

  4. I love this tutorial. Puffs are awesome!!!

  5. This will be a good lesson for Everett. I'll make sure he reads over it after he gets up from his nap. ;)

  6. Great post and oh so cute pics! Jack loves his puffs too!!


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