Wednesday, December 8, 2010

wordless wednesday - santa baby

My baby went to visit Santa on Monday!

Asher was very concerned about us leaving him on this stranger's lap, so he kept leaning forward and reaching for us.  The photographer snapped a quick shot when Santa reeled him back in! 

There isn't a smile {Asher was much too worried for that} but he didn't cry either, so we're going to call this a win!  Plus he's dressed so cute in his tiny button-down - that makes up for a sour expression.  Ha!

Drew was off work on Monday, so I'm glad we got to do this as a family.  These are the special memories!


  1. Love it! I can't wait to take Holden!

  2. Cooper HATED Santa! He screamed bloody murder! The one pic that we do have is only okay...I think I'll make a quick post so that you can see his pic :)

    I'm glad that no tears were shed on your Santa visit!

  3. I have seen much WORSE!!!! I am a little nervous about taking B to see him.... but I'm thinking if we take him a couple times it will be better? LOL, probably not.... crying or not...gotta treasure these Santa pics!

  4. So cute! I'll take the lack of crying as a keeper!

  5. He is adorable!! That button down makes him look so grown up!


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