Tuesday, December 7, 2010

mommy knows best

Sometimes Asher has his own ideas of what constitutes a good nap.

Yesterday his ideas led to having no afternoon nap at all.  I kept telling him that a good nap would equal more fun, but he disagreed and refused to snooze.

Well, I rest my case.

And so did A.

While prepping dinner, I turned around to find this.  Good thing he'd already finished eating!


  1. These babies already think they're smarter than us! I have long one-sided debates on the importance of good day sleeping but he only listens to me half the time...

    Although, I really can't complain he's on an awesome nap schedule but some days he'll only sleep 40 minutes or so at each nap and he's ready to go again!

  2. cute cute cute :) miss you guys so much!

  3. Ha! Poor little guy. He must have been exhausted. I'm telling you, If they would just listen to their Mommies...

  4. Gah! So adorable!

    Ava's not too keen on my lecturing about naps either!

    BTW - got your Xmas card yesterday - adorable!!! Ours is coming WAY late!

  5. Love it!!! Jack fights sleep and one of these days I'm sure I'll find him sleeping in a funny place!


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