Friday, December 10, 2010

it's all fun and games until someone gets thirsty

Asher's newest favorite game is throwing things over the fence.

Yesterday he also added a whole pile of toys to the mix while I was in the kitchen.  When I came back he was reaching through the little gate holes trying to get at his lost loot.  So pathetic! 

He also loves to pitch stuff out of the crib.  I don't put much in there with him, so nap time requires a little creativity.  A couple days ago I went in to get him and found his lamb toy, both socks, and his pants on the floor.  I guess once he has the bed to himself he can sleep.

Hey - as long as he doesn't cry about the loss I don't care how much stuff he tosses overboard!

Happy Friday!


  1. Ha! Silly boy! Holden has started throwing things too!

  2. Ahhh, yes. I am all too familiar with this particular game. Not. A. Fan. Mostly because unlike Asher, Ava cries when it's her binky. And it's ALWAYS her binky.

  3. That's hilarious! I guess he wasn't digging his pants and made sure to toss them over. I don't think Everett could take his pants off if he tried. Lol.

    By the way, I was reading the title to your blog and I was like "oh my goodness, did Asher get hurt?!" :p


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