Wednesday, December 15, 2010

who needs a blanket?

Sometimes you find yourself wanting to play a round of peak-a-boo, but you just don't have a blanket handy.

What's a boy to do??

Why, be your own blanket, of course!

Asher just learned how to 'hide' his face and SURPRISE us when reappearing.  I honestly can't get enough of this one - it's just too cute!


  1. Oh my gosh! Adorable! We've beenworking on this with E! Can't wait til he does it on his own too. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  2. Super cute!

    Cooper has the same birthday onesie :)

  3. I saw him do it and it is super cute! What a fun game! Jack has started covering his face with his shirt if he can manage it. I love it!

  4. That's so cute! A usually uses her dress and lifts it up over her face - SO cute - but the other day she was wearing a one piece and used her hands. I love it!!!


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