Monday, December 20, 2010

and so it begins

I've officially become obsolete on Sunday afternoons. 

Later, Mom, I'm busy - the game is on.

The boys are happy to watch football together and I'm left to my own devices - as long as those devices include keeping the snacks...and milk coming.  Actually yesterday I stayed busy getting the house cleaned up and taking down someone's birthday decorations {small sob}.  Did you know that the laundry stills needs to be done even though Christmas is this week??  I know, it was a shock to me too.

To be fair, they did try to include me.  {I'm just not that into football and am secretly thrilled that we have a son to take my place!}  My jersey laid on the couch all afternoon as my silent participation. 

Sub in a beer for this cup 'o milk in 20 years and I think you get the idea of where he's headed.

Love my boys - and their Pittsburgh pride!  Go Steelers!


  1. We're headed to Pittsburgh this weekend! All of my hubby's family lives in the Pittsburgh area :)

    So, by default, both Cooper and I are Steeler's fans, too!

  2. I can see that Asher has grown up so much in the last picture you posted. Maybe it's the sippy cup or jersey but he looks like a little boy not baby. So cute!

  3. Awww, priceless!

    Is it bad that when asked what I want for Christmas this weekend, I told D a week without laundry? It's shocking how much laundry one teeny tiny person adds to a household!


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