Friday, July 30, 2010

if i can't win mother of the year

then I'm totally going for "most posts in one day."

Not really, but I just had to post once more because Asher did something hilarious and amazing today.  It's been one of those days that I'm having so much fun with him.  He cracks me up constantly and never ceases to amaze me with what he can just do all of the sudden.

Mr A started blowing raspberries!!

Sooo funny!

He just started making this funny noise and when I looked over I saw his little lips vibrating and all of this drool flying around.  So, of course, I blew back at him.  That really got him going!  He thought that was hilarious and would make noise back whenever I did it at him.

I assumed he wouldn't let me get it on video because he totally clams up everytime the camera comes out, but he didn't stop this time.  The action was way better before the camera turned on, but you'll get the idea. 

Watch and see!


  1. Awww, so cute!! I got pictures of Jack blowing raspberries, but never thought to get video of it. I think I need to invest in a better video camera. It's amazing the joy that these silly things can bring us! Have a great weekend!

  2. Ahhh!! I LOVE IT!! haha he is so stinkin' cute :)

  3. Look at those two big ol' teeth!

    And too cute... he's REALLY good at mimicing you, which is really awesome.

  4. Haha...So cute! I agree it is so funny how they can just start doing things all at once! Ethan loves blowing raspberries too!


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