Monday, July 12, 2010

teeth, rolling, crying...oh my!

We've been having quite a bit of whining excitement around here.  Asher is working towards his seven month birthday on Tuesday and wants me to have a lot to tell.

I mentioned last week that he has started consistently rolling from back to front while playing and in his crib.  In fact, Ash decided that sleeping on his belly is very comfortable and does it all the time now.  The only problem is that since he started doing this he wakes up very confused and aggravated. 

5 or 6 times a night. 

Every night.

I'm talking about screaming {loudly} until someone comes and flips him over.  This from the guy who can't be stopped from rolling back and forth during the day.  Maybe it's the dark, maybe it's the sleepiness, but whatever the cause Asher has been having a hard time sleeping soundly over the past week.

Drew and I also think that his teeth are really bothering him.  He popped through the first 2 without blinking an eye, but the past few days he's been extra cranky and keeps trying to shove everything into the back of this mouth.  I read in Baby 411 that the molars hurt a lot more than other teeth and can take quite awhile to push through the gums.   


Baby 411 also says that babies who seem fine during the day can be bothered a lot more by tooth pain when they are quiet and still at night. It's amazing how distracting playing can be!

I just ordered this little beauty {called the "teethifier", I'm not kidding} that's suppose to be great for soothing back teeth pain.  Let's hope it works!  You can be sure I'll let you know.

I hate giving Asher medicine of any kind without knowing for sure that he needs it, but given all the evidence of teething Drew and I decided to slip him a little Tylenol last night before bed.  He sucked it right down and slept well.  Of course, he also managed to stay on his back all night long and I think that helped big time.  Mr A still woke up crying once, but only for a few minutes.  I didn't even get up -- bad mommy, I know.

Hopefully his sleep will get better soon.  As much as I hate being woken up several times at night {didn't we just move past this?!} I really hate how much it changes his personality.  Poor guy is so tired throughout the day when he sleeps badly at night.  Even with extra long naps he just seems a little out of it. 

Welcome to teething and seven months!


  1. Cooper does the same rolling over thing! We have a game going that's for sure! Luckily, he stops rolling after the 2nd or 3rd time!

    I may have to invest in one of those teetifiers, too! Coop has 2 teeth, too. His first one was a breeze but the second one was a little more trying!

  2. Definitely let me know about the 'teethifier'! :) That thing looks...interesting!
    I think H is cutting her top teeth now, which is no fun for anyone!
    Poor babies! I cannot believe they are 7 months old!

  3. Poor Asher!
    I hope the nights get better... and yes, please let us know about the "teethifier"!!!
    B has some issues with his teeth that I will be blogging about shortly...
    Hope you all start getting some more sound sleep at night!

  4. Eeks... I just saw that the Teethifier costs $40 on Amazon!! Is it worth it??


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