Wednesday, July 28, 2010

just say no

When I became a mother I knew that I'd have to use the word "no" from time to time.

My hope was that I wouldn't have to use it all the time.

What I didn't realize was that I would be using in the most ridiculous sentences.

Just today I said all of these things:

No, Asher, you can't eat my grocery list.

Please stop eating your pants.

Please don't roll under Mommy's bed.

While you're there, please don't play with the plastic bag I have my winter comforter stored in.

By the way, just so you know, these things happen while Ash is surrounded, surrounded by toys and other baby appropriate play things.  And usually while I'm hooked up to the breast pump.

Good thing he's so darn cute.

I'm seriously afraid of what will happen when he gets mobile. 

Major babyproofing, here we come!!


  1. Right there with ya!! My son is obsessed with crawling (scooting) into the bottom portion of our coffee table....and anythinig that looks like an electrical cord. Forget putting him next to me while I am pumping....he pulls the tubing out of the pump!!!

  2. Haha, such funny things to say but so right... they get into the things you would least expect!!! They are attracted to the little pieces and parts you wouldn't ever imagine. Silly boys... but they can make you change that no into an okay honey... by looking at you.


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