Monday, July 26, 2010



Our friends from Ohio came to visit us this weekend!

You might remember Carl and Karen from this post I put up a few weeks ago.  We were so, so excited to see them again!

The last time they saw Asher he looked more along these lines.

Karen has the cutest little baby belly growing.  She and I talked babies {my favorite subject!} went stroller shopping on Saturday.  To bring reality to Drew's greatest fear, I found one that I love!  It's amazing how quickly things change in the baby gear world.  Karen and I definitely saw some strollers that weren't around just a year ago when I was shopping for my own.

{Don't worry, I didn't buy a new stroller.  But I really wanted to!!}

While Karen and I were researching baby transport devices Drew and Carl were helping Carl's sister and brother-in-law move a house full of possessions.  Including a piano.  In 100+ degree heat.

That's fair, right?

Asher wasted no time showing off all of the new tricks he's learned since he last saw Aunt Karen and Uncle Carl.  A rolled over, sat up, ate his baby food, and slept through the night.  I'm a BIG fan of all of these things!

We had a wonderful weekend with you both.  Come back again soon -- and bring Baby Carter!


  1. It's so great to be able to catch up with friends. !

  2. In the picture of you, Karen, and Asher, he looks so big!! Every day they are looking less and less like babies and more like big boys. ::sniff::

    This heat is definitely awful. If it ever cools off we need to plan something!

  3. So lucky that Asher is sleeping through the night for you! Is it every night? I get a few from Jillian but not every day. I am still dreaming of the time where she sleeps through every night! Asher is getting so big, such a little cutie!


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