Thursday, July 29, 2010

s*pear* me

Asher proved once again what happens when I assume things where he's involved.

I love pears.  Love them.  They are hands down my favorite fruit.

So, naturally, I assumed that A would love them as well.

Glean what conclusion you will from this face.

That's right -- he hated them.  I guess they are a little more tart than peaches or bananas.

But, really.  This bad?

I didn't give up though and after a few days of taste tests Ash came around.  He doesn't gobble them down like he does for his favorite foods, but doesn't look like I just made him lick the diaper pail anymore either.

I'm chalking that one in the victory column.


  1. Too cute!

    Love the highchair, BTW!

  2. BTW - saw your comment on Rene's post...I read somewhere that if you coat stick foods (bananas, avocado slices, etc.) with ground cheerios, they're a LOT easier to pick up :) Just an idea...

  3. Cauliflower is my favortie vegetable, but I could barely get Jack to eat 4 bites. He seriously would not open his mouth. When he did open it and I snuck some in, he ate it, but not enthusiastically. Which is why i didn't mind him experimenting with it on his tray. :) Oh, and he pretty much smeared it around too and didn't eat much. I've heard that about the cheerios though, and will be trying that soon!

  4. we're doing pears right now too! Ethan doesn't hate them...and will take bites...but he makes those same faces!!! I think with him its a texture thing. I like the taste of pears but they have a gritty wierd texture to maybe that's why they don't love it? Interesting. I hope its something he will decide he likes the more he has them!


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