Monday, May 10, 2010

nothing but tangents

I wanted to write a quick post before going upstairs to pump and, oh yeah, sleep.  My mind is a big jumble tonight, so this post is going to be a melting pot of my current thoughts.

You've been warned.


I think it's ridiculous that Subway now offers breakfast.  I can't wrap my mind around the giant cooler of sub meats/cheeses/toppings somehow being transformed into a breakfast bar.  Or do they set it up differently?  I'm a little curious about the logistics of this operation, but mostly just turned off by the whole idea.


My birthday cake is exhausting me.  I think I mentioned that Drew got me an ice cream cake from Coldstone Creamery for my birthday last week.  My parents were here to help us get it started, but we only finished off a third of so with them.  Drew decided that he's "healthy" all the sudden, so I'm on my own.  I can't, in good conscience, throw away perfectly good ice cream cake, but I'm also concerned about running out of Lactaid before I finish off this bad boy.

And you think you've got problems.


Even before Asher was born I was looking forward to giving him baby food.  Who doesn't love those pictures of cutie babies covered with brightly colored purees?!  As I've recently been reading on other peoples blogs about how they have started giving their little ones food it struck me that the time is near!  And I'm not longer excited.  In fact, I feel kind of sad.  I just want my little guy to stay little and depend on me for his food.  No one is more surprised than me at these feelings.  I told Drew I wanted to hold off until Ash is 5 months old and he reminded me that that happens on Thursday.  Yikes. 

Needless to say, we're going to take it slow.  But I know it will be ok.  My little boy is growing up and I need to accept it. 

Now for a happy picture.  Oh, how I love him.


  1. I feel a little sad about Cooper starting food especially since I can't have anymore kids and I know that he's my only baby to experience all this with :( But, time doesn't care! It just keeps on moving!

    Ice cream cake sounds super yummy except I'm TRYING to be healthy, too ;) Let's see how long it lasts!

  2. Haha, your posts are great.
    Subway just switches out the very beginning area, like where the meats & cheeses are... and they have sausages and eggs and things there - the rest is all the same. :) they're actually not too bad should give it a whirl!

    YUM for coldstone creamery cake... what kind?? My Husband has cut out all sweets from his diet... in order to be "healthier"... even though he could just maybe exercise and still enjoy a sweet here or, he refuses. Men.:-P

    I know how you feel about not wanting Asher to grow up... I feel the same way about Bennett...but at the same time, I find myself excited for the future and all it will hold for both him and our family together. :)

  3. What I wouldn't do for ice cream cake. Yum!

    Yes, I LOVED how Ava's book turned out! I wish I had taken more time to vary the page setups and do captions etc, but the book itself was very high quality and awesome!


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