Thursday, May 20, 2010

a good read

I've always loved to read.  For me, books are a way to transport out of this life into a world that I'd otherwise have no access.  Sometimes it's a world that no one can access a la Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.  Nothing impresses me more than an author who can create an entire culture out of thin air!

However, most other times books introduce me to characters who live in places or times far from my own.  Who else loves to read the old timey English that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy use?  Or enjoy taking a seat in the court of King Henry VIII while Anne Boylen spins her web.

For me, these {and many other books!} are good reads.  I'm trying to impart this love of literature on Asher by reading to him every day.

So far, however, his definition of a "good read" has less to do with content and more to do with taste.

Yum...delicious story, Mommy.  I love to read snack!


  1. That cap is adorable!!! Ava also has created a tasting menu out of the vast array of books I attempt to read to her, while she attempts to chomp on them.

    Have you read American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld? It's by far one of the best books I've read in the past year or two - check it out if not!

  2. I love it! Your posts are hilarious! The love of literature must start somewhere even if it is for taste purposes at this point :)

  3. Isn't that funny how EVERYTHING within reach goes into their mouths...directly, immediately. Hahaha...


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