Monday, September 14, 2009

vegetarian delight

Over the past few weeks I've gotten really behind on baby bean's veggie references!

Let's see where we've been....

24 weeks - ear of corn

This is perfect because it happened while we were at the beach eating delicious Jersey sweet corn. The bean enjoyed it greatly.

25 weeks - rutabaga

What? What? I've never had one of these...or even seen one. This reference doesn't help me much, so we're going to move right along.

The bean is now 26 weeks. Time for a yummy English cucumber!

We're now in the weight gaining part of things. The bean is now almost 2 pounds and increasing rapidly. He is also about 14 inches long.

I think the most exciting thing to happen this week is that bean's eyes are able to open! They have been fused shut while the retinas formed so far, but this week they open up.

We did a little test last night to see if this had happened yet. Did you know that if you shine a flashlight at your belly the baby will move away from it? He did! It was really neat, but also felt potentially mean, so I won't be doing it often.

In other news, the bean is diligently practicing his breathing and will be already to make his appearance in another 13 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Your weekly updates are way more fun to read than "what to expect when you're expecting." Sadly, I hate vegetables and wish I could find something more relatable foodwise for me in comparsion with Cooper :)


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