Tuesday, August 25, 2009

23 weeks

23 weeks pregnant is a happy place to be!

Along with all the increasing movement I've been feeling from the bean has come an increasing sense of reality about what's happening here.

Prepare yourself, but...I think I might end up with a BABY once this pregnancy thing is over!

Novel, I know.

Honestly for a long time I understood mentally that I was pregnant, but was pretty skeptical that I'd ever actually have an infant at the conclusion.

I think one of the first questions I asked my OB went something like, "So, what are the chances of a baby coming out of all this?" I kept waiting for someone to tell me that there was a mistake and I wasn't actually pregnant.

But they didn't!

Now we've made it to 23 weeks, baby bean is moving, my belly is getting bigger, and I had to buy new bras. Nothing gives a splash of reality like changing bra sizes. {TMI, sorry.}

Anyway, there's a baby in there! See...

The bean is very busy getting ready for his/her first beach vacation next week. Pass the sunblock...or the hurricane shutters...we'll see what happens.

How far along: 23 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: up 7lbs since getting pregnant
Maternity clothes: yes, odd things I didn't expect to need...maternity swimsuit, swim cover-up and capri pants.
Stretch marks: not yet
Belly button: still s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g
Sleep: didn't get up once last night = awesome
Baby movement: yes! I can tell when the bean is awake -- my whole belly moves
Food cravings: cheese and broccoli potato from Wendy's (had 1 and need another soon)
Food aversions: not too much. Very hungry these days.
What I miss: bending over without getting the wind pushed out of my lungs
Looking forward to: the beach!
Best moment this week: finding maternity capris for 60% off
Milestones: baby W can sense movement and dances with me!

1 comment:

  1. Awww....I am so happy for you guys...remind me to email you a picture of my belly when I was 6 months pregnant with noah...it will make you feel better...rachel


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