Monday, August 6, 2012

{phone dump monday}

I take so many photos with my camera - can't get too far behind or I'll never catch up! A lot of randoms this week...

Thank you, Pinterest for providing a fun and simple way for me to distract Asher while I make dinner. He loved this pan of baking soda, an eye dropper, and colored vinegar. Fizz!

Mr. Man decided suddenly one morning that he wanted to wear his "tiger shirt" - aka, Halloween costume from last year. It was hanging in his closet and just caught his eye, I guess! Never mind that it's August and this hoodie is thick fleece. Made me sweat just looking at him. We didn't leave the house. :-)

Hello, tiger tail. I love this age - so fun and unpredictable.

When I was making Drew's lunch the other morning I noticed a certain someone supervising. Where did he come from??

Baby girl got her first shipment of bows in this week! I'm still not totally sure what kind we will like best, so I'm trying a variety of styles from all different stores so I can compare the quality as well as the size and style of bow. It's so hard to buy online sometimes. You can't see the color, feel the material, or tell how well made it is. I don't mind paying a little more for a great product, but it's hard to know which are great and which are just overpriced. :-)

Once again, if anyone has had a good experience and can recommend a shop I'd love to hear it!

This little bow went so well with a cute sleeper I have for her - it just might end up being the coming home outfit.  I'm really loving the bows and flowers that will clip on to any hat or headband - seems like a more flexible way to go then all securely attached pieces.

Tonight Drew's work sponsored an event at the local minor league ballpark, so we took Asher to his first ever baseball game. He really loved it! We were practically in the dugout.

Bless his heart, though, Asher kept saying "Asher play". He definitely didn't understand why we couldn't go on the field, but did very much like the fried chicken he had for dinner.  He's embracing Southern living full throttle.  :-)

Ash cheered for the home team and clapped every time the crowd got excited.

"go Bulls!"

Hope you all had a fun weekend as well!

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