Tuesday, August 14, 2012

bugaboo {29 weeks}

I've had a couple people tell me recently that they feel like my pregnancy is flying by - I'm glad it's not just me! Hard to believe it's time for another weekly update. Not too much has changed over the past week. I'm still getting bigger...feeling tired...making and shopping for baby...trying to prepare Asher.

One concerning thing is that I've been experiencing a ton of Braxton-Hicks contractions. Some are painful, some aren't. I'm sure these are just happening when I try to do too much without drinking enough water, but still - disconcerting. I have a doctor appointment on Friday and will check with them about it.

As you saw yesterday I've been busy getting the nursery ready. We're still waiting for the rest of the furniture to arrive, but I'm doing what I can in the meantime. I also made a big trip to the baby store to stock up on basic essentials. Despite this, my list doesn't seem much smaller - ha!

Lady baby is the size of an acorn squash this week and is moving a ton! She's a pretty busy girl in there and I love it. Every twitch and jab is a reminder to me of the miracle she is - love, love this part. :-)

How far along: 29 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: will find out officially on Friday

Maternity clothes: yup.

Stretch marks: none yet

Belly button: mostly out

Sleep: pretty good, although I wake up feeling very sore and not particularly well-rested

Baby movement: yes - lots!

Gender: tiny girl

Food cravings: buffalo chicken wings {great for growing a baby...I know - ha!}

Food aversions: nothing really

What I miss: sleeping on my belly

Looking forward to: getting ready for our family beach trip in a few weeks

Best moment this week: getting a few more things done in preparation for her arrival

Milestones: baby is gaining {more and more} weight



  1. I would have to agree that it seems to be flying by! :) When I seent the post header, I was like WOW! You and my friend, Katie, are so close. (http://tulsadetails.blogspot.com/) I just cannot believe you both are so. very. close!

  2. you look great. I think our pregnancies are going by fast. I'll be 29 weeks on Friday.

  3. Love your dress/tunic....whatever you look simply beautiful! I had a lot of BH with Hudson and very few with Parker. I was told that was pretty common with a 2nd pregnancy, but hopefully you don't get more.....always a little nerve wreaking ;). Little Miss Ladybug will be here before you know it! :)

  4. You look awesome. Love that dress too! I got braxton hicks earlier in the pregnancy with each one. I think it's pretty normal. Just try and make sure you are hydrated. it's hard to remember to drink enough when you are so busy being mom already! Lol. I hope they reassure you thats all it is when you go in for your appointment. 11 weeks +/- to go! Yay!

  5. Oh...and I just went back to look at last weeks post again...your belly looks so much rounder and higher this week. Maybe the pattern making it more pronounced....but I love that we can tell how much ladybug is growing in there so quickly! :)

  6. LOVE that dress!!! And your bump is adorable :)

  7. You look so great and seriously... ahhhh you make me want to be prego!!! That is a feat! ;) I miss that movement... so awesome!!!! Look forward, still, to seeing that nursery !!!! :) Glad to hear you're feeling well still!


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