Friday, August 24, 2012

{phone dump friday}

Yesterday Asher and I took a trip to his new school to see the classroom and meet his teacher. It was wonderful! Ash ran right in and started playing without so much as a backward glance to me. His teacher answered all of my questions and offered lots of information about the school, their lessons, comfort techniques they use on these little guys, etc...

Several times I almost started crying {enter: pregnancy hormones} from relief and excitement for Asher. I'm sure we'll have some hard days those first weeks - especially once there are lots of other kids there too and he's apart from me for 3 hours at a time - but I know he'll get used to it and thrive. I don't know how else to say it other than, this is right for us. And I'm excited for him!

Once we got home the boy was especially thirsty {hungry??} and requested a cup of crushed ice. I don't know if it's because he sees me chewing on ice all the time, but he loves it! Is this weird? It seems strange to me that a 2 year old would like ice, but ok. :-)

Exciting times in our mailbox - a necklace I ordered a few weeks ago finally arrived! I've been wanting something fun to add a little pizazz to my typical uniform of t-shirt and capri pants, so when I saw this for a steal on Very Jane I ordered one. I love it!

I made a cute shirt for a toddler friend of ours yesterday. His mom is a friend of mine from college and actually - get this - paid me to make it. Ha ha! I'm NOT in business, so I suggested doing it for the cost of the materials and shipping. Basically a win-win for both of us! She picked the fabric and lettering, I just put it together. I hope you love it, Luke!

{just to clarify - even though it looks really orange through my phone camera, but it's actually a vibrant red on the thread and fabric stripes in person. Crazy lighting...}

Asher and I had some errands to run the other morning and realized once we got there that the store didn't open until 10. What's with that? We're ready for adventures looong before 10.  :-)  Since we had some time to kill we hit the nearby Starbucks for a special treat. I haven't had a latte in so long - it was pretty awesome.

They had this sign displayed and it cracked me up. There must be a ton of people who ask if they make a special sign and countdown. Although I love me some pumpkin spice latte I'm really glad they don't bust it out too early. It is still August, after all.

Ladybug is ready for her weekly PDF appearance. This time she was chilling at the park while big brother ran around like a banshee. Good times.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I have baking on my horizon - can't wait! YUM. :-)


  1. holy moly, I have been gone too long! 30 weeks already! Congrats, time is flying! Can't wait to meet here. I'd love to do a complimentary birth announcement design, if you'd like, just let me know.

  2. I am so glad to hear you had a great visit to A's classroom and meeting his teacher! I'm not gonna lie...I would have been on the verge of tears NOT being pregnant, so I can imagine how you felt! Lol. I still cry when I drop Cam off for his first day back. Is that weird?! Haha. This year might be extra hard since Ethan gets it this year he will be really missing his Bubby. E likes ice too! I bet A especially likes it because it's like mommy does ;) Onve again LOVE the embroidery! Yay for getting paid for it. I think you could totally start and etsy shop! I laughed about the sbux pumpkin spice sign. I worked at starbucks for 3 years when Cameron was 18 months. People are crazy about their holiday drinks. I'm not a huge fan of their pumpkin spice...but when it gets close to eggnog chai time I'll be counting down!!! :) Love the angle of the lady bug bump pic. Cute! Hope you have a good weekend.

  3. Oh pumpkin spice...I cannot wait!! Just in time for baby brother to be born and there just so happens to be a drive through Starbucks on the way to C's school...!! Also, the stores around here apparently don't open until 10 either. I had no idea until I dropped C off at school and tried to be extra productive, only to have to sit outside the store for 15 minutes waiting for the employees to come unlock the door!

  4. Jack LOVES ice! We don't have an ice maker at home but he frequently asks for ice when we go out. I don't see anything wrong with it! :)

    I'm so glad you're comfortable with his school and have the feeling that it's the right thing for you all. I'm still looking forward to Asher's first day of school pictures!


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