Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It seems like every year I have a longer and longer list of things to be thankful for.  I love that there is a special day set aside to reflect on how much God has blessed us and to share that with those we love!

My resolution every year {yes, I make Thanksgiving resolutions :-)} is to spread this blessed feeling and grateful spirit to every day of the year.

Topping my list this year is my boys - both Drew and Asher.  I'm so grateful that they are in my life.  There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about how less full my life would be if either of them weren't in it.  Things aren't always perfect - but there's no one else I'd rather weather life's ups and downs with.

I love you Drew and Asher!

And to all of my bloggy friends - Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday with your friends and family. 

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