Monday, November 21, 2011

sweet success

Thanks for all of your encouraging comments and emails on my post about Asher's newest adventure.  You all are the best!  I'll definitely be talking about it more and describing some of the new toys we have and games we play to help stimulate Asher's senses and strengthen his core.

On Sunday we were playing outside a little and got to see some progress in action!

Normally when Asher wants to get up over the curb he throws out his hand for me to grab and help him up.  Today I refused and instead encouraged him to do it himself.

It wasn't easy

but he kept working

and working

and finally...

he made it!  Can't you just see the joy of success in him.  :-)

Go Asher!

We hope {and truly believe} that some day steps like this will be an easy task that he doesn't even have to think about.  We'll get there!


  1. Yay Asher! I know I've told you this before, but you're an awesome mom! WWED (what would emily do) is a common saying at our house :) We respect and love you all so much! Thanks for sharing Asher's progress with us!

  2. As a mom to a special needs 2 year old, I find it hard at times to allow him to do things himself. I'm working on it because I know he feels a sense of accomplishment when I don't step in. I know our circumstances our different because Cooper's issues are neuromuscular so sometimes he truly does need me to step in but I have to be more discerning on when he really can't do it versus he just wants me to make it easier for him...

    Yay for Asher! I look forward to reading his journey!

  3. Awesome!!! It's hard to see our kids struggle with things, especially when we think they should be able to do it (or we just want to step in and help them along!) It takes a VERY strong Mommy to step back and let your child work hard and learn and it really looks like it's paying off! Keep it up!!

  4. I'm not being very good about staying up on posts . . you'd think we just had a new baby or something ;)

    Wanted to let you know that you ARE a super mom! I know that those evaluations can be totally overwhelming to a parent, but also know that Asher is in GREAT hands to get him even stronger in areas he needs a little bit of a push. I can imagine you felt awful for not knowing but know that you aren't alone at all. And Asher will likely be ahead of the gang when he gets into school with his extra help :)

    Just wanted to send hugs and offer any support if you ever need to talk about developmental stuff, because it's what I do for work (well I teach the kids once they get to preschool age but I have kids with all kinds of needs that I work with and couldn't love my job more!!!)

    Way to go Asher :)

  5. That's awesome! Go Asher (and mom)!

  6. He is SERIOUSLY a cutie patootie;)
    Camden was diagnosed with very little muscle tone, and a bunch of other things when he was about 14 months. The doctor told me he would be mentally handicapped. We were sent for testing and my sweet boy couldnt do much of anything. After speech, OT, and PT he caught up!! He started walking and he started talking and he is now a completely happy 7 year old;) Just took a lil help!

  7. He is so cute! :) I love your blog! I hope you don't mind that I became a follower! :) Erin


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