Tuesday, November 22, 2011

pucker up

If I had to make a list of things that Asher is thankful for this year, I'd like to think that Drew and I are on the top.  But, if I'm being honest, I have to say that it would probably be...milk.

This boy loves milk and would have a much less happy life if that deliciously creamy beverage wasn't a part of his day. 

I'm ok with that.  He's still at the top of my list.  :-)


  1. I used to often worry that Eli drank too much milk (well, I know he drank sometimes twice what our pediatrician recommended... so obviously that's too much). But I found something recently that has really helped change that; it's called Mio, and it's a "water enhancer." We call it juice, and Eli loves it! Plus, it's not nearly as filling as milk, so he now eats a lot more (which is also good).

  2. You know, B is the same way! He LOVES milk and after I tell him he can't have "duice" he goes straight for the milk.
    Definitely didn't get it from his momma. haha yuck


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