Saturday, November 12, 2011

necessity is the mother of invention

Sometime you just need to make do.  Asher has shot up like a weed recently and all of his pants are too short.  See...

whoa - embarrassing.

But he's also such a skinny mini that the next size bigger pants just fall right down.  I looked all over for a toddler belt and just couldn't find any that I liked.  There are very few options to begin with and those that are out there are pretty expensive.  So, I did what any crafty mama would do and made him a belt {kind of}.

This isn't an attractive belt, so I'll only use it when he's wearing shirts that hang below the waistline - which is most of his shirts, actually.

All I did was take a piece of elastic and sew suspender clips at both ends.  Then I threaded the elastic through his front belt loops and clipped the ends onto 2 loops.  Easy!

I have to be totally honest and admit that I actually made this "belt" for a different purpose.  Remember a few weeks ago when Asher got suited up for the wedding?  Well, there's nothing I hate worse than having a dress shirt hanging out, except maybe trying to tuck in a toddler's shirt every few minutes seconds.  To keep his shirt tucked in neatly I made this elastic piece.  I clipped on end on the front of his shirt, ran the elastic between his legs, and clipped the other end on the back.

Sort of like a homemade, temporary onesie.  Since he wears a diaper there was lots of padding and no, um, discomfort.  :-)  Worked like a charm - yay! 

1 comment:

  1. Please share some of your creativity and inventiveness with me!!!


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