Saturday, July 4, 2009

strolling along

I got my stroller this weekend!

My parents are visiting us from North Carolina for the 4th of July holiday and decided to give us the stroller we wanted as an early baby gift.

They are so generous!!

Mom and I went out shopping yesterday and swung by the local stroller store that carries the brand I like the best. I wanted to show it to her and see what she thought of our choice. I brought my mother-in-law to see it when she was visiting a few weeks ago and wanted my Mom's opinion on it as well.

When we got there and looked it over, Mom gave a great review and said that she and Dad wanted to get it for us to celebrate their new grandchild. Wow!

The one Drew and I decided to get (after lots of research and comparision shoppping) is the Inglesina Zippy.

I think it will fit our needs best of all the strollers we've seen. Inglesina is an Italian brand -- the Zippy is their "full-size" stroller.

There are lots of great features that I love about it. The absolutely best thing about it is the 1-hand fold. It collapses like an umbrella stroller, but only takes 1 hand to do it. This means I can get it down and in the car while holding the little one (or groceries, or a diaper bag, or...)

The other thing I love is the giant canopy -- no sun, snow, rain, or wind is getting at my bean!

Baby Gizmo gave it a great review and named it one of their favorites. Check out their video review.

Once the bean arrives I'll definitely write another "real world" review and let you all know how we like it!


  1. They are generous aren't they! I'm so glad they are able to visit you this weekend! Enjoy the stroller! I would just put random stuff in it and take it for strolls around the house...just to make sure I was a pro when the little one arrived :0) I"m crazy though.

  2. My hubby and I were talking about strollers this morning. I don't know which one we're getting at this point, for me thats a decision made much further along. I would love a bugaboo, but can't come off the money for it...

  3. Very cool... you're very ahead of the curve. All I've done is buy a few outfits!

    I think we're in the nesting stage... but instead of getting ready for the actual baby, we're doing all sorts of things to the house since we know we won't have time or money to do them after the baby arrives!


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