Tuesday, July 28, 2009

a half-baked bean

Yesterday I had my 20 week ultrasound! For those of you who don't think about pregnancy all the time, that's halfway through!

It was so, so amazing to see the bean on the big screen. I still find it hard to believe how much detail the ultrasound machine can show us!

The bean was super bouncy and kept moving his/her arms in front of the important parts that the technician wanted to see. You know...the heart, the face, etc. Oh bean.

Eventually the bean quieted down and we got some great shots of the face.

The 3D images are especially impressive! They were even better on the screen than on these printouts. I'm pretty sure this was a Zoolander impression

How adorable are the little feet?

The bean was also very camera shy and kept putting his/her hands in front of the face. So cute! I can just hear the complaints about intrusive paparazzi now.

Being analyzed so thoroughly is exhausting....yawn.

The bean has really long, skinny legs. Must take after the daddy as I am of the petite pants crowd. This picture is of the back of the legs and feet.

I can't wait for the next 20 weeks to pass so I can finally kiss those adorable lips! Look at the photo sideways -- the long piece near the bottom is an arm by his/her face and the 2 horizontal lines are the lips. You can also see the nose just above the lips.

Love you, bean!


  1. Wow, those ARE great pics! Nice high res machine! :) You're so strong for hanging in there and not finding out. Ugh, I wish we could have... but how exciting on delivery day!!!

  2. Very cute. I like the 3D pics!


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