Tuesday, May 15, 2012

spoiling alert

On Saturday Drew and I were packing {surprise, surprise}.  We were working in the kitchen, cleaning out the cabinets and Drew found a big bag of Tootsie Roll pops!  Oh, the treasures you find while moving.

Naturally, I needed one right away.  Just about the time I had enjoyed exactly 1 lick Asher cruised over - I swear he has a sixth sense where candy is involved. 

Can you believe that little monster tried to take my lollipop??  

Not only was I feeling crazy possessive, selfish, like the bug needed a delicious chocolate chew surrounded by hard candy, I also didn't want Asher eating an entire tootsie roll pop.  To date his candy consumption has been limited to one M&M at a time - this was a fairly huge upgrade and I didn't want a sugar shocked boy on my hands.  So I put all of my parenting experience to work and came up with the most obvious solution...

I gave him a popsicle instead.  :-)

Which he happily enjoyed for about 2 seconds before offering to trade with me.

Then something happened that still has me baffled. 

With subtly and cunning that would impress even the most seasoned criminals, Ash ended up with both his popsicle AND my lollipop.

This crazy kid.  I think he knew he pulled a fast one on me.  

The worst part?  I didn't really mind.  He doesn't often double fist sweets and if we can't have fun sometimes, then what's the point?

{plus, I know where the rest of the tootsie pop bag is living now ;-) }


  1. You're a much cooler mom then me, I don't give Cooper popsicles or suckers! Not that I'm anti-sweets because have you seen my numerous cupcake posts over the months? I'm so paranoid that he'll choke on anything with a sticker involved...

    And, Cooper refuses to wear a bib! I so wish he would because most of his shirts are stained now, lol...

  2. That's so cute... !!! They do have special little powers that seem to get them exactly what they want haha!


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