Monday, May 7, 2012

bugaboo {14 weeks}

Hey folks, who's ready for my first blog post as a member of the 30s club? Excited? Me too. :-)

Things have been crazy busy around here - the reason for which to be revealed on Wednesday, stay tuned - so the blog has gotten a little dusty. Regardless of the neglect, the bug keeps growing week-by-week!

We made it to 14 weeks - second trimester, yay! I'm desperately hoping this means some of my exhaustion will abate soon. So far I'm still really tired by mid-day, then completely pass out on the couch by 9pm. Pretty lame, but what can you do? I have a feeling chasing a toddler around for most of the day doesn't help this problem at. all.

Besides that I've been feeling really great. I can tell the 2nd trimester is settling in because I have a few more food cravings and aversions. Mostly, though, I'm just hungrier in general. Second breakfast is becoming a new normal around here.

Bugaboo and I had an OB appointment last Thursday and everything is just fine with us. I got to hear the heart beating away on the doppler - that's always so special. :-)

In some funny news, I went to get my hair done on Friday and my stylist specifically mentioned how thick my hair seemed. She didn't know I was pregnant, so I got to tell her the good news to explain my sudden luscious locks. I thought my hair was thicker, but the fact that she commented on it without prompting totally confirmed that it wasn't just my imagination! ha!

This week baby bug is the size of a lemon. Oh my, but I love lemons. Fresh lemon on pasta or fish - or even better, lemon sweetened up in cookies or cake. sigh.

Hungry sidetrack over...on to the good stuff. :-)

How far along: 14 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: down 3 pounds

Maternity clothes: not really, but I have to confess I did wear my still-too-big maternity pants to my birthday sushi dinner on Saturday. Regular pants get tight way too fast for the feast I had planned. :-)

Stretch marks: nope

Belly button: innie that I can tell is going to pop out w-a-y sooner this time around

Sleep: weird VIVID dreams

Baby movement: none yet

Gender: time will tell

Food cravings: California rolls, gyoza, miso soup, ginger dressing = sushi restaurant for my birthday dinner, despite not being able to eat many delicious other things on the menu

Food aversions: really grossed out by the hot dog I tried to eat for dinner tonight

What I miss: not being so sleepy

Looking forward to: just being in maternity pants full time. This in between size/shape is annoying.

Best moment this week: hearing bug's heartbeat at my OB appointment

Milestones: baby is growing downy hair all over to stay warm



  1. Wednesday?! No... I don't want to wait! Are you moving?? Buying a house? I'm so excited to find out!

  2. Happy belated birthday, Emily! Thirty is fun, isn't it? And congrats on making it through the first trimester!
    love, Jess (and Felix and Joey)

  3. Hooray for the 2nd Tri!!!! It will only get better from here. Well, until the last few weeks or so. It's still way better than the first 14 weeks though. You look precious! Can't wait to hear the big news on Wednesday!!!

  4. Big news on Wednesday?! ooooh, oooh, look forward to it :)
    Great bump pics. Thicker hair? What a perk! I love lemon, too... now I want lemon poppyseed cake. thanks a lot ;)

  5. Exciting! I hated that in between stage, too. I wanted to get a shirt made that said "I'm pregnant, not just gaining weight..." because I felt like I was bloated and looked like I was getting a belly, but not obviously pregnant. Bleh. You look great, though!

  6. Would LOVE to take pregnancy pix of you and you cute little tummy, Emily - wish you lived closer so we could connect...and I could practice my photog skills! ;-)

  7. Love the belly pics :) I laughed out loud when I read about the hot dog. Lol. I wanted to vomit every time I even heard the word when I was pregnant with both Ethan and Mazie. Yuck. The smell was the worst though.Exciting stuff!!! :)


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