Monday, May 21, 2012

bugaboo {16 weeks} - gettin' hitched

This weekend was Drew's brother's wedding and we had SO much fun!  I mentioned that Asher stayed behind with my parents - that was 100% the right decision.  We are so grateful they were able and willing to do that.  Asher would have been exhausted by all of the festivities and all of you mamas out there know an exhausted toddler = unhappy parents.  This way a fun time was had by all.  :-)

I did my best to take photos, but with being in the wedding it was kind of impossible.  Thank goodness for the iPhone and Instagram - love, love that app!

Drew and I heading over to the rehearsal on Friday after a lovely afternoon nap.  *sigh of pleasure*

On Saturday I spent the whole day with the bride and bridesmaids getting ready for our her big day.  :-)

I let the hairdresser and make-up artist do whatever they wanted with me.  At the end I peeked in the mirror and almost passed out.  I felt WAY overdone - ha!  For someone who almost never wears eye make-up the whole look was a little overwhelming. 

Once I got out of my sweats and into the bridesmaid dress everything looked a little more in balance.  Baby belly and I are ready to help Matt and Ali get married!

I had to take a few pics of Ali after she got in her dress.  She was so radiant and beautiful.  Is there anything lovelier than a bride on her wedding day?  Gorgeous!

While we were celebrating M & A's big day, the bugaboo turned 16 weeks.  He/she is the size of an avocado this week at about 3.5 oz and 4.6" long.  I remember with Asher I was craving guacamole big time and loved this week because it seemed like the guac was meant to be.  ha!

How far along: 16 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: down 1.5 pounds

Maternity clothes: not yet - I'm SO grateful my bridesmaid dress zipped up!

Stretch marks: nope

Belly button: still an innie

Sleep: pretty good over the weekend.  I always sleep great in hotels!

Baby movement: none yet, but it should start soon - can't wait!

Gender: time will tell

Food cravings: gummy candy

Food aversions: big pieces of meat.  I can handle meat in food, but just eating a straight steak or chicken breast sounds kind of gross. {still}

What I miss: not being able to have any of the {many} celebratory drinks that were enjoyed by everyone around me over the weekend - ha!

Looking forward to: moving at the end of the week and being out of this box filled house

Best moment this week: having a weekend away with Drew

Milestones: baby is starting to be able to hear!


  1. You're so purdy!!! Weddings are really fun. I'm glad your parents were able to watch Asher!

  2. You looked so beautiful! That's so fantastic you were able to have a nice weekend with Drew and his family!

  3. You look gorgeous in your dress with little baby bump! Looks like an amazing wedding! I love wedding season :) xoxo Becky

  4. you looked gorgeous! so glad you all got an adult weekend!

  5. Even if it is more done up than are beautiful! And soooo cute at 16 weeks! Glad you could get a little time as adults and I am sure Asher had a blast too :)


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