Friday, May 11, 2012

{phone dump friday}

How is it Friday again already? I'm not complaining, just surprised. These weeks - probably because they've been so busy - have been zipping by for me.

You all might remember a few weeks back when Asher got the awful haircut. Poor guy got butchered by a woman who claimed to be a stylist, but was really anything but. I took him to my hair stylist to get it fixed and vowed not to cut his hair again for a long, long time. Well...this week was when I caved. I liked his longer hair, but it was starting to move past cute into shaggy and that was not ok.

I wasn't taking any chances this time around and took him directly to my salon. Can I just say right now that I dread finding all new people when I move. It's really one of the worst parts - new hair salon, new doctors, new dentists - bleh.

Anyway, she did an awesome job on him!



We did a bit more fingerpainting outside, but since it was so warm I just had Asher strip down to his diaper to save myself some laundry. After I got him out of his shirt and shorts, A asked if he should take off his diaper too. I had to explain that we don't live in a naked painting kind of neighborhood. ha!

On Monday we had to go to the mall and I couldn't leave without getting Asher a little treat. He doesn't get something every time we go out by any means, so I wanted this trip to be special for him.

Hello, Duck!

Asher loves Donald Duck so I knew he'd go nuts over this guy. He calls him "Duck" - they have been going everywhere together.

Of course, our week hasn't been perfect. Yesterday something mysterious was wrong with Asher's post-nap milk so I got this face for awhile. He's kind of ridiculous and cranky sometimes. Guess that's being 2!

On Tuesday we had a busy afternoon planned so we decided to hit the park early in the day. Apparently we got there really early because we were the only ones playing for awhile! The funny thing was that once another kiddo arrived he was wearing a Boston Red Sox hat.

I texted Drew to share the irony. His advice? Don't escalate. ha ha - I made no guarantees.

We have a busy weekend of packing, a last breakfast with some friends, and, oh yeah, Mother's Day. Wonder if the boys have anything good up their sleeves?

Tonight I'm going out to The Melting Pot for a fond farewell dessert date with my Mom's group friends. It's going to be so fun! {but moving is starting to make me sad... :-( }

Happy weekend, all!


  1. That does sound like you have some fun farewell activities planned, but I know what you mean about moving making you sad. We've kicked around moving a few times, since Austin is so insanely competitive for jobs (seriously, I have unemployed friends with PhDs - ridiculous!), but I just can't do it.

    Love the Yankees hat!!

  2. A's haircut look great! His post nap mood reminds me of P's sometimes. it's tough being 2 and I guess they need more sleep. Enjoy Melting Pot, love that place!

  3. I LOVE the melting pot!!! I could actually skip the whole meat part and just go for the cheese and chocolate. Those are pretty much my two favorite things. I so know what you mean about having to find a new "everything". Brandon and I moved 4 times before we finally settled where we are now. I know you will find great new people. It will all be worth it in the end.

    Asher's hair looks great even when he's having a "moment", and I love him in his hat.


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