Thursday, May 17, 2012

{phone dump thursday}

I don't know if you've noticed, but I have absolutely no respect for Phone Dump Friday. This is getting bad - I need to get back on the wagon.

Drew and I are heading to lovely Staten Island, NY tomorrow to be a part of his brother's wedding so PDF just isn't going to happen. My phone pics are my favorite part of this blog recently so I couldn't skip it. :-)

Lucky duck Asher is getting his grandparents to himself for the whole weekend! I'm sure they'll have tons of fun! I'm a little sad that A will miss seeing his aunt and uncle tie the knot, but honestly, at this age he isn't going to appreciate a wedding anyway. He'll be a lot happier at home.

Speaking of ducks, we had another couple rainy days this week so Asher got to become Asher splasher {his alter-ego} once again.


On Saturday we had the most beautiful weather. Asher splasher wanted to come out in the worst way so we made him a few puddles with the hose. I just can't help myself when it's this easy to make him happy! :-)


I posted this photo a few days ago, but I just have to mention it again. On Friday night I went out for dessert at the Melting Pot with the girls from my moms small group. A big part of moving for me is trusting that God will provide a new community and set of friends for us. He certainly did that here - praying the same will prove true in NC. I'll miss you, friends!


Asher discovered his sunglasses this week, but only wants to wear them when it isnt really necessary - like in a shady car while working on his computer. ha!


After running some errands A and I stopped for a special mommy/son bagel date. He tried cream cheese for the first time and loved it! Although, he seems to think the way to eat it is by scraping all the cream cheese off with your finger and enjoying that first, then eating the plain bagel.


We have a new tradition here lately. Every morning I make my bed, then Asher comes over to dismantle and jump on it. Hmm...not our best tradition.


It would help my tough stance if he wasn't so darn cute while doing it. Little monster. :-)



  1. Cute pictures... I love phone dump posts.
    Have fun at the wedding this weekend!

  2. Presley and Asher have similar eating styles, except she scrapes the cream cheese off with her teeth. Have a wonderful relaxing wedding weekend away. Oh, and I kind of love the alter ego "Asher Splasher".

  3. Cute pictures!!!! Weddings are super fun. :) Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Hope you had a great time at the wedding this weekend! Love the photo of him in his shades, and the reflection in it :)


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