Friday, December 30, 2011

christmas {twenty-eleven}

Christmas morning dawned merry and bright for us.  Drew and I knew it would take a little something obvious to get Asher excited {he's been walking past wrapped gifts for weeks while showing zero interest} so we put A's new Sully right out front!

It worked.

Ohmystars, nothing warms my heart like seeing this little boy full of joy!

Sully was the star of the show for about 5 minutes until Asher realized there was a whole mess of goodies inside his stocking.  Sorry, Sully.

Asher l-o-v-e-d this toy!  It's a wand with a rubber ball on the end - when you hit it against something it lights up!  Yay - Target dollar spot.  :-)

Erin and Ryan brought Ash a shopping cart full of books and toys.  He didn't waste any time putting Sully in the front {where A usually rides} and taking him on a tour of the house.  ha ha - love it!

We had one seriously spoiled boy on our hands - he walked away from Christmas morning with lots of new tools...

and a Little People Wheelies ramp!  Think he was a little excited about it?  I mean, he did start trying to play with it before it came out of the box.

As soon as Daddy got it put together he was off and racing!

Mid-morning we took a break from gifts and headed off to church to celebrate the real reason for the day.  Asher insisted on wearing his suit for Christmas Sunday and I was happy to indulge him.  :-)

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and playing with all of our new toys.  I got a new camera lens {yay! yay!} and Asher taught Aunt Erin how to use her new iPad.

We had such a fun, blessed day as a family.  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well.

Tomorrow my parents arrive to celebrate New Years with us.  Next up: 2012!


  1. Awesome and very cute photos... I love it when their faces light up upon getting new toys! Hope you guys have a very happy new year!

  2. WE had so much fun this Christmas with Cooper! They're just at such a fun age now! I bought Cooper one of those glow sticks today at Target :)

    Cute pics! All of your pics are cute actually!

  3. Such a fun age to celebrate Christmas :) Sully is so cute! Looks like someone was very good this year!

  4. I love the excitement on his face! Christmas with kiddos is the very best.


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