Thursday, December 22, 2011

coloring her christmas

Sophia is celebrating her first Christmas and we wanted to send her something extra special to open.  I was trying to remember what Asher liked most when he was almost-1, but nothing seemed right.  So, I did what any reasonable mom would do and started browsing around Pinterest and Etsy!  ha!

I saw these crayon roll-up holders on Etsy and thought they looked like the perfect thing to toss in a diaper bag for an easy distraction at a restaurant or the doctor's office.  Before long Miss S will be coloring up a storm {if she isn't already!} so this roll-up should be fun!

The only bad thing about shopping on Etsy is that everything is homemade and, often, not available instantly.  I was already cutting it close to the holiday, so I decided to try and make one myself.  A quick Google search for "crayon roll-up" yielded a bunch of great tutorials.  I combined the directions from this one and this one to make mine.

It was SO easy - I did it start to finish in about 2 hours while Asher napped.  I'll definitely be making one for Ash and any other toddlers who have celebrations coming up.  Fun!

If anyone wants a step-by-step tutorial on how I did it and what I'd change from the linked tutorials, just let me know!


  1. That is so CUTE!! I find a lot of things I like on pinterest, but don't ever really get the chance to try to make my own. Yours turned out SO awesome!!! So when are you starting your own Etsy site now? ;)

  2. Sophia and her mommy LOVE it!!!! Sophia loves holding it and taking the crayons out one by one :) She hasn't quite figure out coloring, unless we count the crayon she got on the floor when she took off with one. haha This will certainly be a favorite for a long time to come.

  3. I would love to hear what you have to say and would change, etc. What a CUTE little crayon roll-up!!! You are SO crafty! I want to learn how to sew!

  4. I know I'm sounding like a broken record but ETSY! Get to it. Now. :)

  5. I would like the tutorial, please! I've been wanting to make one for Eli. :)

  6. That is precious! I want the directions!

  7. Emily - you always amaze me with your talent! You're SO creative! What a fun gift for you to just "whip" up! ;-)

  8. Omigosh... that's the cutest thing ever! If I could sew or was the least bit craft (neither are true...) I would totally make one of those for Eli!

  9. This is awesome!! I love the colors! My mom actually gave one to Jack for Christmas last year. I stuck it in a drawer until he was older and I guess I forgot about it. I'll be digging it out tonight. Thanks for the reminder!! :-)


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