Tuesday, December 13, 2011

happy birthday asher!

Asher, you are 2 years old!

How is it possible that it's been two years since I first laid my eyes on this precious bundle?

In some ways it's impossible to believe that this little baby is the same one who now runs around doing all kinds of fun stuff!

{like identifying all the letters on his Happy Birthday sign}

Asher, you've had a big year over the past twelve months! 

Let's see, now you...

feed yourself for the most part,

 love to run and play,

and throw and kick your ball like a champ!

You are aces at opening presents,

and color pictures with the best of them.

You've traveled to Florida,

North Carolina,

and the beach!

You also met a lot of fascinating animals

and visited Mommy and Daddy's alma mater.  'ray Bucknell!

Asher, you hung out with your cousins

and suited up your handsome self.

You never stop helping Mommy around the house

and know all of your letters.

Your favorite restaurant is Chick-Fil-A {although you're still a very picky eater!}

and you have the most endearing smile.

Asher Thomas, you never cease to amaze us.  You have the sweetest personality and always greet us with a big hug and kiss.  Daddy and I love that you never fail to give encouraging cheers - even for our smallest accomplishments, like making coffee and flushing the toilet!  ha!  We can't help but have a great day with you on our team!  You have made huge strides this year, despite a few things that try to keep you down. 

Daddy and I are grateful every day that God has entrusted us to love and raise you.  Our most fervent prayer for you is that you will grow to love Jesus and to share that love with others.  Even our love can't compare to his.  

We cherish you, sweet boy.  You are loved.  

Happy 2nd birthday!


  1. What a wonderful year :) Happy Birthday, Asher!!

  2. Grammy and Pop Pop love you so much! You are such a blessing to us ...we can't wait to celebrate your birthday in NC. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASHER!

  3. This is so sweet! Happy birthday little buddy!

  4. Yay! Happy Birthday, Asher!

    Love, Jessica, Felix, and Joey

  5. Such a sweet post, Mama! Happy 2nd birthday, Asher!

  6. Happy 2nd birthday, Asher!! Best wishes that year three is as awesome!

  7. Happy birthday, Asher!

    LOL, I'm going to crack the ABC whip around here because my 2 year old doesn't know all his letters! :D

  8. GREAT post, as usual!!!! Happy 2 Asher!!!! This is belated... but I am finally trying to catch up on reading my blogs!!! Happy Friday and our Christmas card will be in the mail shortly!!!

  9. Happy Birthday, Asher!!! You are such a lucky boy to be part of such a loving family (and to have a mommy that takes amazing pictures!). :-)


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