Friday, December 23, 2011

facing 2012 straight on

Asher has hit another major milestone - just in time for the New Year! - he's now forward facing in his car seat.  Yay!

I'd been putting off the big switcheroo in the car seat until he was at least 2 {or too big to sit safely rear-facing}.  Turns out he hit both right around the same time.  His car seat is a Britax Marathon and they recommend turning to forward facing once the child's head is 1.5" from the top of the seat.  Asher isn't quite there yet, but it's close so we decided to make the switch.

He is loving it!

Every time we go out in the car he spends the whole time looking out the windows and telling me what he sees. 

"Mama, ba-boons!"  "Mama, woof-woof!"  and so it goes...

I love being able to see him easily, without the whole secondary mirror set up.  Although I have to admit - it did startle me the first few times I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw his face right there!  ha!

We're ready to cruise into 2012 - see you all there!


  1. Cooper is still rf at 25 months. I really don't know when we'll make the switch! He's not bothered by rf'ing so I don't see the need yet...

    I hope Asher enjoys the new view in the car :)

  2. B just turned FF too!!!! He loves to say "scuse me cars" lol or tell us to go "faster"!!! :)

  3. I love that last picture. So cute! I actually took my car in this morning to have the experts turn our seat around. Jack was already at daycare so he'll get a big surprise when I pick him up! I feel like it's just one more piece of evidence that our babies are growing up. Not sure how I feel about it! :)


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