Tuesday, August 10, 2010

baby jaws

I knew we shouldn't have let Asher watch Shark Week.

Look what the little monster did to his crib.

In one of Asher's frequent bids for freedom he decided to try and EAT his way out between the bars.  How very Escape From Alcatraz of him.

Actually I just think his gums are bothering him.  He has been pushing everything into the way back of his mouth.  My guess is that he was trying to soothe his sore gums, but his two little teeth in the front got in the way and gnawed into the bars.

Poor guy?

Bad baby?

I can't decide.  But I'm leaning towards laughing.

Fortunately, I was able to cover most of the bite marks with touch up paint.  I had taken the breathable bumper down in the front section because his arm was getting caught between it and the bars, but now it's back.  He'll just have to keep his arms to himself.

Here's hoping he doesn't find a way to chew through the darn thing.  Otherwise we might end up wrapping his whole crib in receiving blankets.

Or chain mail


  1. Oh my goodness! Who knew such a sweet boy was able to do such destruction!

  2. I am so afraid Mac is going to do the same thing!! We can't give them anything nice!! haha

  3. Hahahaha that's so funny. is Asher pulling himself up in the crib ?? B just started doing it yesterday and it worries me a little bit!

  4. Ha!

    I'm still jealous your baby actually sleeps in his crib, though :/

  5. Chain mail would probably work the best! Super cute post!

  6. Hahaha! Asher always makes me laugh. I love it!!

  7. Should I rethink that fancy, expensive crib that just arrived at my house yesterday? ;)

    Don't show this to Carl. It will only convince him of his cardboard box theory. :)


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